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Winter season 2016/2017
December 16, 2016 to Easter mondat April 17, 2017

The following booking conditions apply: Minimum lenght of stay: 3 night. Arrival and departure: daily

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Cooper News 11/7/19

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new lift towers
Tower Tubes, Cross-Arms, Sheaves & Much More!

November 7, 2019

Activities in the parking lot resemble a huge erector set project……..tower tubes, cross-arms, sheaves, ladders, deflectors, etc., all being bolted together and prepared for helicopter transport next week!  Some of the Drive Terminal components are beyond the lift capacity of the helicopter (the price of being located at extreme elevation) and will be hauled to the top of the mountain via snow cat-assisted rough terrain forklift.  Fortunately, Old Man Winter has backed off at just the right time to allow for this phase on the project to be completed.  Once all the tower assemblies and terminal components are bolted to their foundations, final phases of the installation will begin including pulling and splicing the haul rope, electrical connections and many others.  Wire rope splicing is an artform and is quite fascinating and I will provide pictures and a bit of information on the process in my next post.

Enjoy the blue skies and comfortable temperatures while you can!  Looks like just a bit of snow next week with things potentially turning stormier later in the month.

Look for an update this time next week!
