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Winter season 2016/2017
December 16, 2016 to Easter mondat April 17, 2017

The following booking conditions apply: Minimum lenght of stay: 3 night. Arrival and departure: daily

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Cooper News 11/9/20

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Snowboarder with a mask on
New This Season


Weather permitting, we are about four weeks from “liftoff” for the 20/21 Cooper Ski Season!  This year we have chosen to open on Wednesday December 9th, providing our staff with a few “slower” days to tune-up our latest operating procedures and facility modifications before hitting the busy weekend scenario.

This season you will encounter many new and unfamiliar experiences here at Ski Cooper in response to the “virus” and its impacts.  Here are a few highlights – the complete list will be available soon:

  • All Passes (Season and Day) must be purchased in advance and online only via Cooper’s website. All Season Passes will be loaded onto a new Cooper Key Card this year and those purchased on or before November 30th will be mailed directly to you. Season Passes purchased after November 30th can be picked up at our new “Will-Call Window” and presented for scanning at the Port of Entry Gate, the one and only entry point for accessing Ski Cooper. Day Passes will be loaded onto your existing Cooper Key Card which you can simply present for scanning at the Port of Entry Gate. If you don’t have an existing Cooper Key Card, your Day Pass will be loaded onto a new Key Card which can be picked up at the Will-Call Window and presented for entry.
  • A valid Pass is required for entry during operating hours (8AM – 4PM), whether you are skiing, uphilling, eating in the lodge or any other activity……think: “theme park entry”. You pay to get in regardless of what you are doing. A Pass is not required between 5PM and 6AM for those who would like to “uphill”.  Please note that there will be no entry between 4PM – 5PM and between 6AM – 8AM.  This system will enable us to keep tabs on how many people are onsite, allowing us to manage our numbers and provide a good experience for all while complying with COVID restrictions per local and state requirements. It also eliminates the delay of continual scanning before each lift ride.
  • You will not be permitted to bring with you through the Port of Entry Gate, items that you cannot keep on your person while skiing/riding. Items including but not limited to, backpacks, travel bags, boot bags, extra clothing, coolers, grocery bags, storage bins, food, drinks, etc. must be kept in your vehicle and not brought into the area. This will help to ensure that personal belongings are not stored in base area buildings, helping to minimize potential germ transmission hazards. If you choose to bring your own food with you (unless it fits in your pocket), you must store it in your vehicle and then return to your vehicle and enjoy your lunch or snacks there.
  • Cooper will offer Ski School lessons on individual, family, or cohort basis only – there will be no mixed groups. Lessons will be offered to those age 7 and over with meeting times at 10AM and 1PM. These lessons must be scheduled and paid for in advance, by phone only. Please note that there will be no children’s programs or daycare services this season.
  • Guests will be required to wear face coverings at all indoor locations, except while sitting at a table, and at outdoor locations as signage indicates (lift lines, base area plaza, base lodge deck, mountaintop yurt deck, ski & ride school meeting areas, etc.).
  • More to come……….

We know that by working together with you, we can all enjoy the great alpine experience provided by downhill skiing, while maintaining the most reasonable level of health safety.  Let’s all make like the Lone Ranger – “mask up and get back in the saddle”!  Can’t wait to see you all!


Dan Torsell

Ski Cooper President and General Manager